Tuesday, August 2, 2011

To keep or not to keep? That is the question.

Keeper leagues are what we are talking about today, and in my opinion is the best way to play fantasy football. A keeper league is a league where you can keep players that were on your team from the year before. The main reason that I love keeper leagues so much is that they allow me to keep those players that I have feel in love with because they are awesome. Like with all fantasy football leagues, each keeper league has different rules on what player can be held on to and what it will cost you. I have been in leagues where you can keep two players and they will count as your first two picks in the draft, so the only players I would really consider keeping are top 25 guys. I have also been in leagues where the players you keep are tied to the round you drafted them in the previous year’s draft, so if you drafted a running back in the 10th round last year, you can keep him this year as your 10th round pick. When I’m playing with rules like this I’m not necessarily looking to keep the best players. For example, this year I have the choice to keep Aaron Rodgers as a 2nd round pick or Ahmad Bradshaw as a 8th round pick, now even though I would consider Rodgers to be the better player, I plan to keep Bradshaw because he is a much better value as an 8th round pick. Value tends to be one of the major factors I look at when I’m drafting players, especially in a keeper league. Another good thing to look at is age; younger players are much more valuable because they will be your workhorses for a longer period of time. You will see those rookies go much fast in a keeper league draft then they normally would. Sometimes it worth taking the chance on a unproven rookie because you never know if they will become the next Adrian Peterson. But I really consider keeper leagues to be much more fun, they allow you to become fans of players for more than just one season and they can make you use new strategies.

1 comment:

  1. We had a vote to do this last year, but everyone voted that they didn't want to have a keeper league. I'm happy we didn't!
