Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Keep your friends close...

Sometimes its pays off to be evil
I know how I talked before about the importance of studying early to be sure you have all the information on any players that you are going to draft, but that’s not all you should be studying. I’m talking about studying the other members of your league. Now if you are like me, you play with some of your closest friends this isn’t as hard because you already know everyone, but if you are playing with Co-workers this maybe a little more difficult. This first thing I try and look for is seeing if there are any super fans in the league, you know those people eat, sleep and breathe their favorite NFL team. This is when the Dr. Evil in me can comes out because I might just draft players from that NFL team just to use in a trade with a super fan to sweeten the deal and get a better player for myself. The next thing I look for is seeing if anyone in the league is a big fan of a certain player or two. I am a huge culprit of doing this. If I have a player do well for me one season I’ll keep going after them time and time again, even when the player is in their downfall. That being said I try my best not to let this make me fall into a bad decision and if I know someone is a fan of a player I will do that same thing as before and use them to get myself a good deal. I have also used this to my advantage, like wearing the jersey of one of my old favorite players that is now hurt, retired or past his prime and making someone else draft that player when they really shouldn’t have. Ok I know what you’re thinking, “Brendo you’re just a big meanie”, but if they did their homework they wouldn’t have been tricked. Another good practice is to talk to other members of the league to see how they are drafting. Now a lot of people are going to be very secret about their draft strategy, but getting an idea on what players or positions everyone else is looking at can give you a better idea on who you should be looking to draft. Anytime you can get a head start on looking at your draft is a good situation.


  1. Interesting and very in depth outlook on pre-draft strategy. My cautious play keeps me from taking chances on players my competitors may possibly select. However, fantasy football can be a very high-risk high-reward game and those are the kind of moves that can win you a league.

  2. Yeah, this really only works in leagues with those who don't know me too well. In my main league with my friends it won't work. They know me and are up to all my tricks. But I like to make them think I'll do anything to get Lions' players on my team. I got a lot of heat last year taking Calvin early, drafted him before Randy Moss. But it had nothing to do with him being a Lion, it was more to do with him being a beast.
