Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Early bird gets the championship

Hello and welcome to my fantasy football blog, I’m The Commish, Brendo. Today I’m letting you in to what I consider my most important strategy that leads to fantasy football success: getting an early start. I always start studying players, stats, and teams at the start of summer. Now I know what you’re thinking: “But Brendo, the football season doesn’t start until the fall. That just seems like a waste of time.” I beg you to think differently. You don’t want to end up being the one who comes to the fantasy draft with no knowledge and picks Marvin Harrison. One, because he will be no help to your team seeing how he retired three years ago and two, everyone will think you are stupid. To avoid embarrassments like this you really need to do your homework and know what you’re doing before the draft starts. If you get a huge head start like I do and start studying months in advance you can really get a step up on the other members in your league. This will give you time to look at every player’s stats and see how well they will perform in your league, you can find those players that no one else knows about who could have a break out year. ESPN has even put up their top 300 players list which is always a good thing to check out, but everyone else will see that same list. The thing to do is find those players who are not on the list and are going to blow everyone away. 

Now you don’t have to get a three month head start like I do, but it helps. I just really like studying stats and looking at how teams have changed their systems and the players they have lost and added. I am always thinking ahead when it comes to fantasy football. Even right now I will be looking at who players are going to be playing in weeks 14-16, which are usually the playoff weeks for fantasy football, so I can find the best players playing against the weakest defenses. Those players will have the best chance of putting up big points during the playoffs and winning me another championship.


  1. Brendan, I will be participating in my very first fantasy football league this fall with my family. I'm super excited to read your tips throughout the semester. I could use all the help I can get. When researching players, what are the three best stats to look at?

  2. I would be glad to help. As for the best stats to be looking for really depends on the scoring system of your league. But when I usually like to look at the total yards, touchdowns, and rushes, receptions, or completions(Depending on the players position). I like to go back and look at these over the last three seasons.

  3. I always thought fantasy football was a waste of time, that was until I joined a league 2 seasons ago. Pointless games in the past soon became very interesting because I had 1 or 2 players on my fantasy team playing. The whole drafting process was very exciting too. I did my homework before the season and during the season, which really paid off. Picking up "sleepers" during the season really helped push my team forward to become the fantasy football league champion the first year I played. Last season I wasn't so lucky but I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to get this season started...if there is a season...

  4. Totally true, you really do start caring about games that never mattered before. The one problem I always run into is when to root for my fantasy players when they are playing my Lions.
